Quote of the Week

Today we may say aloud before an awe-struck world: "We are still masters of our fate. We are still captain of our souls."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Doing It for the Sisterhood

It's been a while since I wrote here. My poor blog looks and feels sadly neglected. Sorry about that, life has been crazy lately and with all that has been going on with the Democratic primary, I have been at a loss for words honestly. That in itself is something of an anomoly for me.
So, if you read my blog, you know that I am NOT a Hillary Clinton fan. As I watched the days drag on, even I dispaired at Obama's inability to put her away. The Clintons, like a cat with 9x9 lives, they always find a way to land on their feet. (I'm desperately hoping that Hillary's next landing space is NOT next to Obama on the Democratic ticket! Don't do it Obama....)

All that said though, even I will admit that I found Hillary's "exit" speech to be powerful and stirring. In my minds eye, I was taken back to the days of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, when a woman was considered chattel - the property of her husband - and didn't even have the right to vote. I listened to Hillary talk about the glass ceilings that have been broken, and I realized that TODAY, I can tell my daughters that truly anything is possible. Where once their best hope was to be a teacher, now my daughters truly can dream as big as their abilities and imaginations will let them.

I was proud, as a woman, of her accomplishment and of her fortitude. How many had called for Hillary to quit? Many really... myself included. Now, looking back, I'm glad she stayed in the race as long as she did. I'm glad that she didn't just quit when the road was long and hard. What kind of message would that have sent to the men in our country?

I listened to Geraldine Ferraro and Gloria Steinem - neither of whom I hold in great regard - talk about the culture of misogyny in our country and I began to wonder if there wasn't something to what they were saying. Sure, some men came out and supported HIllary, but how many "good ole boys" are there still today? How many men out there truly believe that a woman is incapable of being President just because of her sex? A lack of a penis does not indicate lack of intelligence or lack of judgement. In fact, I would suggest that as mothers, WE understand the cost of life. We know what it is to want peace and strive for peace. I think those traits would make for an excellent President.

Yes, Hillary was not my choice for President, but I am grateful to her for lighting the way for all of our daughters - YES IT CAN BE DONE!


Coffee First said...

Hi snow! This is Angela from CafeMom. I've got a blog here too and I'm going to keep up with your blog from now on. Glad I found you again!

navywife6 said...

She sure did do a lot for women. I wished all women would be grateful for what she accomplished for all women...instead of just hating her because of her politics.

Me...well I'm grateful for all women who pave the way and make life easier for my daughter to "be all that she WANTS to be"

Great post.