Quote of the Week

Today we may say aloud before an awe-struck world: "We are still masters of our fate. We are still captain of our souls."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Casey Anthony is Indicative of Everything that is Wrong with our Society

If you have been anywhere near a cable news channel in the past year, you have heard the sad case of Caylee Marie Anthony. She was a little girl who lived in Central Florida with her sad excuse for a mother, Casey Anthony.
How can it be that two grandparents, who live at least part time with their grandchild, don't see said grandchild for over a month and wait that long to raise the red flag? Hello? Doesn't anyone else have a problem with this? Then you have the missing gas cans from their garage, the smell of "something dead" in the car, and you still have the incredibel audacity to believe your daughter who has lied to you about everything else. Some people are truly brain dead.
The minute I saw Casey Anthony pictured partying it up while her daughter was supposedly missing, I knew that she killed her child. THere is not a mother on the planet who would simply accept her child being missing and behave in this manner. Not unless she already knew where her child was.
Casey Anthoney gives young mothers everywhere a bad name. The fact is, she just couldn't handle the responsibility of being a mother. She wanted to be young and have fun, so she simply removed the problem - her beautiful almost three year old daughter - from her life. How truly sick.
A mother is the person who is supposed to love you more than anyone else on the planet. Now I know that many fall below this measurement but few sink to the depths of Casey Anthony's depravity.
They found the remains of Caylee Marie with duct tape around her little mouth. Her mother premeditated the act and killed her own child in cold blood. Who does that? Then, there are the pictures of the wild partying....
In our country, the fact that Casey Anthony is good looking will be to her favor. People want to believe that those who are pretty on the outside are also pretty on the iside. In reality though, often beauty hides a heinous beast underneath. That could not be more true in this particular case.
In papers across the country it is being suggested that a finger print on the duct tape will seal Casey Anthony's fate. All I can say to that is I hope so because, in my opinion, the death penalty is just too good for her.

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