Quote of the Week

Today we may say aloud before an awe-struck world: "We are still masters of our fate. We are still captain of our souls."

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Clinton Years Part Deux?

Change definitely seems to be the word du jour in this years presidential election. Both parties are buzzing about change and that message really seems to be resonating with the American People. I know it resonates with me, I'm dog tired of politics as usual in Washington. All the candidates seem to have a different view on what "change" really is, and I guess in November, and in this primary season, ultimately it will depend on how the American people define the concept that matters.
Still, the last thing this blogger wants to see in another "dynasty" in the White House. I think we need fresh blood to really shake things up to encourage real change.

How much can a candidate like Hillary Clinton really offer? I'll grant you that Senator Clinton works toward her own goals, but are they the goals of our country? Personally, I think that she is quite happy with the status quo in Washington - after all - she has lived it for the last 16 years. Hillary Clinton is at the dead center of the rotten core of our government. She is an insiders insider that knows how to get elected, but will she be successful at getting things done?
Will she really be able to build a coalition of Republicans and Democrats in order to accomplish the work of the American people?

Change for me does not involve looking at the same people, listening to the same jokes and hearing the same stories that I have already heard. A couple of months ago, I awoke and found myself listening to Hillary Clinton talking about nationalized health care and watching OJ Simpson get arrested over my morning coffee. Geez, I went to bed and woke up back in 1994. Scary.

Hillary's campaign seems to be Clinton part Deux. We are looking at the same people, the same advisors, and listening to the same broken recording messages, in my opinion. If any here can list some differences between Clinton part one and Hillary's campaign, I'd love to hear them. Really.

Finally, my biggest argument against Senator Clinton - as a woman, her constant playing of the "sex" card offends me. I'm aware you are a woman - please stop reminding me. OH, and the little "break down" in the cafe - set the feminist movement back almost as far as the 1999 pathetic "stand by your man" routine. As a woman Hillary should know that she needs to be doing it better than everyone else. So often we hear the generalization that a woman wouldn't be a good president because they are "too emotional". So what does Hillary do? Break down in tears over a cup of coffee because this election is "personal for her" - she just "cares so much". She does care - about power - not necessarily about our country.

I personally would have been really shocked if Hillary wouldn't have won New Hampshire, no matter what the pollsters said. I mean, New Hampshire really is the home of the uber- left. Some of them hate Bush so much they want to succeed from the Union. The New Hampshire voters - many of them - were not receptive to to the idea that our country has to come together to make real and lasting change. They want to hear the angry Hillary talking about vast right wing conspiracies. I hope that the message of real change will fall on more fertile ground in the coming primaries.

I'd love to hear from some Hillary supporters out there about why you are supporting your candidate. You see, I am a TRULY undecided voter - what one New Hampshire blogger called a "chimera". I think that there are many more "chimeras" just like me, and if I was Hillary, I'd be worried about that. The crown doesn't sit on her head just yet. The exit polls that I looked at seemed to suggest that of those voters that had decided months ago who to vote for, were supporting Clinton while those that were deciding in the present were going toward Obama and Edwards. It will be interesting to see if that trend continues and what it will mean in the upcoming primaries. Buckle your seat belts, I think we are in for a bumpy ride.


navywife6 said...

Not just bumpy, but scary, and well unfortunatly full of MISTRUTHS (see how POSITIVE I'm being LOL didn't say LIES LOL).

I haven't decided who I'm voting for but I sure don't like some of them that MIGHT be my choices....only time will tell I guess.

SkeinGoddess said...

Personally I would love Mrs. Clinton as a friend, as a fellow mother and as a rolemodel for a Great business woman...BUt not as President. I used to lean towards her, but really more from womanly camraderie, and that isn't a good reasin to vote for someone. right now I'm more of an Edwards girl.I can agree with him more than anyone else right now. Not 100% but really I don't think anyone can agree 100% with anyone else really.ANd I surely agree with him more than Hilary.